CNS Candidate Portal

Welcome to the CNS Candidate Portal!
Within this portal, you will apply to take the CNS Exam, pay related fees, and submit final Supervised Practice Experience (SPE) paperwork.

Upcoming CNS Exams:

  • December 7-11, 2024; Applications due October 13, 2024
  • June 21-25, 2025; Applications due April 25, 2025
  • December 13-17, 2025; Applications due October 17, 2025

To apply to take the CNS Exam:
1. Complete the necessary steps in the CNS Exam Application section
  • Add the application to your cart and pay $100 as directed
  • Complete the CNS Exam Application Survey
  • Complete and upload the Certified Nutrition Specialist CNS Exam Application Coursework Requirements form. Please note: if you attended UB or MUIH you do not need to complete this step. We have provided several example applications from many schools.
  • Upload resume
  • If applicable complete the Disability Related Needs Form and Special Accommodations Request Form
  • Please do not add anything to the transcripts or letters of recommendation sections; the Certifications team will add these as they are received.
  • You will need to request transcripts be sent directly from the school to the BCNS (electronic transcripts only) for all schools in which coursework is counted on your application. Please email if your school does not offer electronic transcripts for further instruction.
  • Please arrange for two letters of recommendation to be submitted directly to the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS) at Ensure these letters are on official letterhead and authored by individuals you have collaborated with professionally, such as professors, supervisors, or managers. It is important that these recommenders are able to provide firsthand insights into your professional abilities and achievements.
2. Once approved, please pay the CNS Exam Fee Payment ($400) by adding it to your cart and following check-out directions.
3. Upon approval, you will receive an email from Iso-Quality testing to register for your exam and pay the $83 fee for the testing center (please check your SPAM folder for this email).

Re-examination Application:
1. Add the Re-examination section to your cart and follow the directions to pay
2. Complete the survey questions and submit

To submit  Candidate SPE Report:
1. Open the SPE Application section
2. Complete the Candidate Responsibility Statements
3. Upload your Candidate SPE Report to the appropriate assignment.

Supervisor reports should be emailed by the supervisor directly to

Please note: you can only upload one document (your final Candidate SPE Report), if you have additional trackers, please email to